
Tony Leggett won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the year 2003 for his pioneering work in Supefluid theories especially the physics of He 3. He is currently visiting a Quantum Computing Institute about 70km from Hamilton,ON. I had the good fortune of listening to couple of his lectures and also a one on one session with him and my supervisor! This is I guess one of the closest encounters I have had with the special species that occupy my planet!
Any way I found this awesome quote in his autobiography and I guess anyone who ever had to make a choice between Physics and Maths would stand up and applaud him for giving words to express their predicament!!
Here's the quote:::
I did indeed briefly consider the possibility of going into pure mathematics, but rejected it on the grounds that in mathematics, almost by the definition of the subject, to be wrong means you are stupid: I wanted the possibility of being wrong without being stupid - of being wrong, if you like, for interesting and nontrivial reasons. Physics seemed to fill that bill